Arduino was not declared in this scope
Arduino was not declared in this scope

Similar for the other variables you are trying to use. or whatever number value you want that variable to have depending on what pin you're actually talking about there. I was wondering in this piece of code that so wonderfully works,if I can set the clock frequency.And if yes how,because I modifed this code and used it for the ESP32 from Adafruit to input data as a MISO. Your code would need a line at the top that looks something like: int dir1PinL 2. It is my first post here,so excuse me for any mistakes. SPI.transfer((char)(EEPROM_address)) //send LSByte addressĭata = SPI.transfer(0xFF) //get data byteĭigitalWrite(SLAVESELECT,HIGH) //release chip, signal end transferĮeprom_output_data = read_eeprom(address) SPI.transfer((char)(address)) //send LSByte address in C++) or that has gone out of scope (in the case of arrays declared in. Try this modified code : #include įor (int I=0 I>8)) //send MSByte address first Cpp Segmentation FaultIts probably not the case, so you have an out-of-range. You are trying to configure the Atmega328p SPI register on the Arduino Zero, which can't work.Īrduino provide a SPI library that is doing all of the register's stuff.

Arduino was not declared in this scope