Democratic Alliance v Rulumeni (88/2021) ZASCA 1 (13 January 2023).Snowy Owl Properties 284 (Pty) Ltd v Mziki Share Block Limited (886/2021) ZASCA 2 (19 January 2023).

DRDGOLD Limited and Another v Nkala and Others (688/2016) ZASCA 9 (6 February 2023).Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service v Coronation Investment Management SA (Pty) Ltd (1269/2021) ZASCA 10 (7 February 2023).Member of the Executive Council, Education, North West Province v Foster and Others (471/2021) ZASCA 11 (13 February 2023).JVE Civil Engineers Inc v Blue Bantry Investments 235 (Pty) Ltd and Another (1016/2021) ZASCA 12 (16 February 2023).OCA Testing and Certification South Africa (Pty) Ltd v KCEC Engineering Construction (Pty) Ltd and Another (1226/2021) ZASCA 13 (17 February 2023).

Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd v Mafate (903/2021) ZASCA 14 (17 February 2023).& Others v Koos Agullus & Others (797/2021) ZASCA 15 (20 February 2023) G Phadziri & Sons (Pty) Ltd v Do Light Transport (Pty) Ltd and Another (765/2021) ZASCA 16 (20 February 2023).Recent South Africa: Supreme Court of Appeal Decisions